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Callsign:47PL122, Contacted submits:4, Year:, Final score:64.93300

DateCallsignQsoQrgModeLog position (score, position log, altitude)
01/01/2024 12:35 14FDX/PO503 Billexe 47PL122 11M USB
15.986151430 madd to final score
24/02/2024 12:31 14MG/PO206 Pic Du Jer 47PL122 11M USB
10.99110950 madd to final score
07/04/2024 10:25 14RL/PO155 Hautacam 47PL122 11M USB
19.986151746 madd to final score
21/04/2024 10:08 14FDX/PE509 Cap de Teches 47PL122 11M USB
17.97311574 madd to final score